The BLUE Psychology is an authentic blog initiative with an intention to give information and create awareness about the complex mentalities with some examples, facts and themes.
- Kunal Deshpande
The birth of a child can give rise to different emotions, ranging from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. The results can sometimes be completely beyond expectation. It can be a bit hard to believe, but women may become a victim of DEPRESSION post delivery due to mood swings and hormonal changes during pregnancy. The Psychological term for this condition is called POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION . Today's blog is an attempt to present information and spread awareness about this mental condition. Mostly after delivery the new mothers experience "BABY BLUES POSTPARTUM", which usually includes mood swings, crying without reason, anxiety and difficulty in sleeping. BABY BLUES typically begin within the first two to three days after delivery, and may last up to two weeks.But in some new mothers, the same BABY BLUES can also take a more severe, long-lasting form. This long-lasting mental state is called POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION . Rarely, after child b...
Previous blog was an attempt to provide information about SIMPLE | HEBEPHRANIC OR DISORGANIZED | CATATONIC | PARANOID types of SCHIZOPHRENIC diseases. This blog will be an attempt to give information and create awareness about SPLIT PERSONALITY or MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER categorized under HEBEPHRANIC or DISORGANIZED SCHIZOPHRENIA . Patients suffering from this mental illness tend to lose mental connection with themselves as well as with others. The symptoms seem to be similar to HYSTERICAL DISASSOCIATION . The only difference is that HYSTERICAL DISASSOCIATION does not have a deep impact on the patient’s personality. It is observed that the important components of the patient's personality get separated from the core personality for a short time but they return back soon. But in SCHIZOPHRENIA especially in the case of SPLIT or MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER , it becomes very tough. The different personalities in the same person are an outcome of an unpleasant e...
In many cases of depression, it is observed that the seeds of trauma are associated with childhood. Any instance in the past leaves an impact on the mind or makes a mental note unknowingly in the subconscious mind. And in present, when similar situation or event occurs, the trauma aggravates emerging the fear associated with it. It can affect one’s mental balance. or the mentality required to face different incidents in life. The manner in which a person’s childhood is spent, may also help in knowing how his mind works. Most humans grow up in three types of environment, which determines their mind-set to a great extent: 1) Protective or Pampered Environment 2) Carefree Environment 3) Strict or Abusive Environment 1) Protective or Pampered Environment: Children born in such an environment may face difficulties in facing the rigors of life. It can affect their decision making. Whatever good or bad, their parents make the choices for them. So when they feel that they...
Previous 2 blogs were an attempt to provide information & create awareness about different types of PHOBIAS and remedial measures related to them. This blog attempts at providing information and creating awareness about OBSESSION and the mental status related to it. In broader terms, OBSESSION doesn’t much differ from PHOBIA . The fears related to some bad experience, a person, a thing or a situation are categorised under PHOBIA . But if the same fear gets transformed into some thing like disgust, it is called OBSESSION . And the effort of getting rid of it can take the form of a mental illness. In OBSESSION , the disgust is mostly associated with waste, dirt, cleanliness or tidiness. The most important difference between PHOBIA and OBSESSION is that in PHOBIA , once the situation of fear is averted, the person going through it gets calm & relaxed, but in OBSESSION the human cannot get rid of the feeling of disgust. The second major problem of OBSESSION is to clear the d...
People suffering from HYSTERIA are likely to be associated with HYSTREONIC mind set or HYSTERICAL Individualism. Such humans are, self centred, dramatic and eccentric in nature. Their personality seems to be open minded, attractive and social on the outer front, but they are equally narrow & fickle minded on the inner front. Such people are expert at getting their work done by their sugar coated talks. They are well versed at over exaggerating any activity due to which they can easily manage to gain people's attention. HYSTERICAL people gain popularity easily. But their friendship cannot last long due to their selfish nature. At some point of time, their self centred nature somehow starts reflecting. HYSTERIC people always try to show their supremacy over others, wherever they find a chance to do so. They have a habit of imposing themselves on others. For example, if a hysteric person comes to stay as a guest at anyone’s house, he/she slowly starts dominating ...
Now-a-days students, mainly teenagers between the age group of 13 to 19 are mostly facing this problem. But somewhere or the other, again it starts in childhood. Some parents believe that their children should not get deprived of the luxuries which they themselves were deprived off due to their parent’s non affordable circumstances or financial conditions. To some extent having such feelings towards their children is appreciable, but it is very important to set a limit for that too. Humans have a natural tendency of not valuing the things they get easily. Then how can children be different. Due to easy availability, children don’t even realise the struggle required to earn things in life. They get what they ask for. Due to this mindset, they are not used to adjust or accept any kind of “NO” or “Giving up” on anything in their life. Any kind of refusals affect their ego or self esteem. Stress due to Expectations Some children are basically smart & all rounder. They get ...
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