BLOG POST 15: The KLEPTOMANIA (A Stealing Disorder)

KLEPTOMANIA is an uncommon mental disorder wherein the patient unknowingly develops a habit of stealing or lifting things. People having issues with controlling their impulse are often found to be a victim of this mental illness. Such patients find it difficult to have control on their emotions and behaviours. Therefore, this ailment is classified under Impulse Control Disorder or is considered a symptom of impulsive behaviour. This ailment makes it difficult for the patient to control the temptation or desire to perform any act that can prove fatal for others and even themselves.

According to DSM (Diagnostic and Statistics Manual), patients of KLEPTOMANIA never steal for any profit or any economic or materialistic desire. It is a strange addiction associated with human behaviour. Due to this ailment, the patients are unable to control the desire or urge to steal or lift things. The patients don’t have any intention to earn money by selling the stolen things like any thief or a shop lifter. Or it is not like they cannot financially afford buying those things. Financially well off people can also be a victim of KLEPTOMANIA.

Some features of KLEPTOMANIA:

01) Just like gambling and alcohol addiction, Shop lifting is also an addiction.
02) An uncontrollable desire develops in the mind of the patient.
03) Thefts done in this mood are not done with planning or with anyone’s help or support.
04) The intensity of the desire to steal keeps on fluctuating more or less in the mind of the patient.
05) The patients of KLEPTOMANIA can steal things from friends, relatives, associates, other than the shop, mall or any party.
06) The stolen items are later spoiled, thrown away or donated to someone by the patient themselves.
07) Many times after stealing, due to repentance, the patients also dare to return the stolen or picked things secretly because they do not steal things for any benefit.

Some symptoms of KLEPTOMANIA:

01) Not being able to control the desire to steal.
02) Stealing due to increased stress, anxiety or excitement.
03) Feeling of pleasure, relief or satisfaction while stealing.
04) Feeling of guilt, remorse, self-aggression, shame or arrest after theft.
05) The stress of returning the cycle of KLEPTOMANIA or the desire to steal.


Some risky possibilities associated with KLEPTOMANIA:

01) KLEPTOMANIA is an abnormal disease. Most of the patients do not come for the treatment but due to repeated or noticeable thefts, they can be subject to legal action or can be jailed.
02) KLEPTOMANIA can occur mostly in adolescent stage which can then continue till middle age stage.
03) According to research, 2/3 of the patients of KLEPTOMANIA are women.
04) Any close relative, parents, siblings or heredity can also a cause of this mental illness.
05) Patients suffering from Substance Use Disorder like addiction to alcohol, marijuana or nicotine or patients of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) can suffer from KLEPTOMANIA.
06) Patients of Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Eating Disorder or Personality Disorder can also be victims of KLEPTOMANIA.
07) Patients suffering from KLEPTOMANIA can also become gamblers.

Patients suffering from this disease try to avoid getting medical treatment due to shame. They have the fear of getting caught or arrested. By the way, there is no specific cure for KLEPTOMANIA. So immediately if symptoms of this disease are noticed, an immediate attempt needs to be made by the concerned person, maybe a close relative or a close friend of the patient to control their desire for a mandatory theft cycle. This can be done to with the help of psychotherapy. Due to which, the patients suffering from this disease can avoid getting caught in serious legal proceedings in future. Some patients undergo treatment due to legal instructions if they are found guilty by law and order. 

When dealing with a KLEPTOMANIA patient, it may be necessary to take some precautions below:

01) The patient needs to be made aware of their ailment by talking to them peacefully, without making them feel any remorse or shame,
02) It is necessary to treat patients with kindness.
03) It is important to maintain as much understanding and restraint as possible.
04) Despite their illness, it is important to make them feel that you are with them and care about them.
05) They should realise that because of the result of their disease, you are also worried about them and that is why you wish to help them.

It is important for us to know that KLEPTOMANIA is not a character defect or flaw but it just another mental illness. So, just as a person suffering from any mental illness can be cured by giving mental support, similarly a person suffering from KLEPTOMANIA can also be helped by treating with love, trust and support.


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 Keep reading and sharing the forthcoming blogs to gain information and awareness about different mental ailments.Till then stay safe and healthy, MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY.😊

- (KD Blogs)

✍© Kunal Deshpande.



  1. Very good information, never thought of so many mental ailments, always felts its a habit. Quite informative.


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