Blog Post 02: The FEELING

 Blog Post 02: The FEELING
In the last blog, The BLUES was referred to a mental condition. This blog is an attempt to describe the kind of feeling a person experiences in the phase of BLUES.

Actually the fact is, the one in the phase of depression do not feel anything. The mind is in zero phase. One cannot think or wish to do anything, do not want to talk to anyone. They cannot even express anything or explain what is going on in their mind or in their brains. They just wish to stay calm & left alone. The result also affects their physical capabilities.They don’t wish to get out of their room or even their house for days. 

Quite a times we experience the "Feeling Low" phaseThis is commonly heard from our friends, colleagues, brothers and sisters in our family, (except mother, because in Indian culture, MOTHERS are not supposed to feel low or the family behaves in a manner that mothers have no right to feel low... which obviously is a wrong understanding). So ... except The MOTHERS, everyone experiences this "Feeling Low", "Getting Bored" or "Today is not the mood to do anything" condition. We generally keep on hearing such dialogues and there’s nothing wrong in it. Our mind and body is obviously not any machine which will continue to work without getting exhausted. Women naturally experience such mood swings every month during their periods. Great writer Osho in his book “The Book of Women” has clearly mentioned that even men experience such mood swings once a month. But women have a natural motherly instinct, which makes them strong to handle the physical pains during those days. That is why the women's physical and mental ability are naturally very high and strong as compared to men. As if they are programmed to be like thats.
But if one experiences this “do not want to do anything”, “staying in the bed”, “getting irritated on small things”, “losing our temper, "Mood swings” frequently 
in their daily life then they need to realise that their mind is alarming and warning them. But one tends to neglect or ignore these warnings. And then these things slowly start piling up in the mind. Later on it goes out of control and can lead to depression. Suddenly the happy, playful person starts remaining quiet & silent. He/she prefers to stay alone in their own zone & thought process. 

Constant failures and rejections at different phases of life may also lead to depression. The scars are so intense that if one tries to venture something new then the belief of failure is much more dominant than the belief of success. These failures and rejection can sometimes be in the family or in personal relationships or sometimes on professional front. It becomes difficult to express or confess to someone. Because the other person whom he/she chooses to confess is not of the same psyche, then there is a possibility or fear of getting judged or misunderstood. As a result the person prefers to stay alone. They start isolating themselves. Sometimes they try to express their mental condition through messages or their social Media status.

NOREPINEPHRINE: This is an important chemical which works as hormones and neuro transmitter in our brain and body. 
DOPAMINE: is a chemical that works to send messages to Nerve Cells. 
SEROTONIN: is considered The Happy Chemical. It helps to keep our mood delightful & happy. It also maintains the amount of stress. 
When a goof up occurs in these chemicals, it results into chemical imbalance. Chemical Imbalance may lead to sad feeling, developing negative emotion, feeling stressful and irritablility, craving to eat anything sweet or consume more or less than one’s normal appetite. If this goes beyond limit, then it may lead to depression and anxiety.
Some symptoms of depression which needs timely attention: 
01) Loss of interest in hobbies. 
02) Prefer to spend time alone instead with a friend or family. 
03) Loss of Sleep(Insomnia) 
04) Losing interest in socialising. 
05) Loss or increase in appetite
06) Craving for eating sweets. 
07) Feeling tired and dull. 
08) Hopelessness & lack of expectation in life. 
09) Loosing interest in doing things which earlier used to give happiness. 
10) Losing the hope of happening something good in life. 
If these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks then it can be a serious problem which can lead to depression. But the condition can be controlled, if paid attention on time. If anybody notices such symptoms among any of the persons in their circle, then instead of waiting for that him/her to open up, as a conscious citizen or a friend or family member, without any delay, it is necessary to approach them on our own. A slight delay in the approach can cost his/her life with a life-time regret of not confronting him/her on time. Also help can be offered to the person by consulting or taking advice from a psychologist or psychiatrist and making it clear to him/her that "IT IS OKAY TO BE NOT OKAY"

To create awareness, click on the video link below to watch and share the mental turbulence leading to various mental disorders.
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Keep reading to know about the depression arising in the children in the next blog "The Child Age". Till then Stay Safe and Healthy, Mentally & Physically 😊. 
- (KD Blogs)
✍© Kunal Deshpande


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