BLOG POST 19: The HYPOCHONDRIASIS (Illness Anxiety Disorder)

or HYPOCHONDRIA, also known as Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD). IAD is an extreme fear. Doctors, the patient has only mild symptoms or no symptoms of any disease, despite such confirmation, in the mind that such a patient has a serious illness or a fatal disease, such a dreaded delusion becomes. IAD may, as a sign of a serious illness, misinterpret normal bodily sensations or cause anxiety to become ill in those who have physical illness. This is usually a long-term condition whose severity may vary. The severity usually increases with time of stress and with increasing age. The most common age of onset is adulthood. Extreme anxiety is not the presence or absence of illness, but the illusion of never recovering and the mental inability to get rid of it. In 2020, the effect of HYPOCHONDRIA has been found in a large number of patients due to different symptoms associated with this disease in the emergency condition of corona.

01. Extreme anxiety or fear if you have a serious illness for at least six months.
02. Explaining the common symptoms of the body.
03. Continued fear of illness despite health status assurances by Health Care Officials.
04. Frequent doctor appointments to avoid reassurance or medical care for fear of being        diagnosed.
05. Concern over the state of personal health.
06. Repeated body check for signs of illness.
07. Avoiding people, places, or activities for fear of health risk.
08. Worrying about a specific illness / disease as it runs in the family.
09. Searching the Internet frequently for possible serious illness causes / symptoms.
10. Difficulty in maintaining job and family relationships and functioning of daily activities due to anxiety and distress.

Some other diseases associated with HYPOCHONDRIASIS:

HYPOCHONDRIASIS is often associated with disorders such as OCD, Anxiety Mental Disorders, Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence Disorder such as alcoholism.

According to practitioners, 88% of patients with HYPOCHONDRIASIS may also have one or more other psychiatric disorders. These includes General Anxiety Disorder: 71%, Dysthymic Disorder: 45.2%, Major Depression: 42.9%, Somatization Disorder: 21.4% and Panic Disorder: 16.7%. This study also states that Personality Disorder in patients is 3 times higher than that of normal people.

Some medicines to treat HYPOCHONDRIASIS:

Doctors generally do not like to use drugs to treat HYPOCHONDRIASIS, but may recommend taking antidepressants from the point of view of the concern for the disease.

When it may be necessary to consult a doctor:
Because symptoms may be related to health problems, it is important to have the patient's evaluation by the Primary Care Provider if it has not already been done. If the patient's Primary Care Provider believes that he may have Illness Anxiety Disorder, he can refer the patient to the Mental Health Professional.

Some of the criteria for diagnosis of HYPOCHONDRIASIS:

Diagnosis of HYPOCHONDRIASIS is dependent on the symptoms and the behaviour of patients. These symptoms can be seen by a Health Care Provider or reported by people who are close to the patient, such as family and friends. The patient may also report these symptoms. It is important to pay attention to the frequency, duration and severity of symptoms.
Symptoms of HYPOCHONDRIASIS, now known as Illness Anxiety Disorder, as described by DSM (Diagnostics & Statistics Manual) 5:
01. Prediction or Strong Belief of having a serious medical condition.
02.The predisposition to the disease lasts for six months or more. The medical condition may change during this time.
03. Being over concerned about own’s health.
04. Avoiding health-related check ups or medical examination for fear of detecting a serious condition.
05. Other mental disorders.


The exact cause is unknown, but some of the reasons given below may increase the risk of Developmental Disease:
01. Major life stress event
02. History of Child Abuse or Ignorance.
03. History of childhood disease.
04. HYPOCHONDRIASIS or family history of issues of concern.
05. Another mental disorder such as Major Depression, OCD, Mental llness.
06. Assumptions:The patient may have a difficult time tolerating uncertainty over uncomfortable or abnormal physical sensations. This may lead the patient to misinterpret that all body sensations are serious, so patients search for evidence to confirm that they have no serious illness.
07. Family:If the patient's parents are very concerned about their health or their health, the patient may be more likely to have health concerns.
08. Prior experience:The patient may experience severe illness in childhood, so physical sensations can be frightening for the patient.

Some risky possibilities related to HYPOCHONDRIASIS:

HYPOCHONDRIASIS usually begins in early or middle age and may worsen with age. Often for older individuals, health concerns may centre on fear of losing their memory.

Some risky things associated with HYPOCHONDRIASIS:
01. An emerging danger of a serious illness in the mind or brain that becomes severe.
02. Anxious personality traits.
03. Extreme health-related Internet access.

Some complications associated with HYPOCHONDRIASIS:

01.  Relationship or family problems because extreme anxiety can disappoint others.
02.  Experience work-related performance failure at the workplace.
03. Problems with completing tasks in daily life, possibly due to disability.
04. Getting into financial problems due to repeated health check-ups in the hospital for excessive health care.
05. Any Mental Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Depression or any Personality Disorder.

Prevention measures from HYPOCHONDRIASIS:

There is little information about preventing HYPOCHONDRIASIS, but these suggestions may help.
01.  If the patient has an anxiety problem, consult a Health Care Professional as soon as possible to help prevent symptoms from worsening and not deteriorate the patient's quality of life.
02.  When patients are stressed, learn to recognize and pay attention to how this stress affects the body.
03. Practice stress management and relaxation techniques regularly.
04. Follow your treatment plan properly to help relieve symptoms or prevent worsening.

Medical Management:

The patient's Primary Care Provider (PCP)plays an important role in the patient's medical care. The patient should continue to meet the Primary Care Provider every three to six months to address any ongoing concerns. It is recommended that the patient should find the same doctor instead of visiting different doctors and should consult the same doctor regarding his illness and get the same treatment.
Psychotherapy, particularly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CTB),can be helpful for patients with Anxiety Disorder when dealing with health concerns. CTB is a common type of talk therapy that helps patients with the fear and anxiety that are common with IAD. It can be an effective way to live a good progressive and Productive Lifestyle and learn how to work independently on a day to day basis.
Behaviour Stress Managementis another resource shown to be helpful in learning relaxation techniques and how to deal with stress and anxiety. Doctors may suggest using it in conjunction with Cognitive Based Therapy.
It has also been suggested that individuals should be physically active and imbibe a defined routine to engage in exercise as well as work, social and family activities. There may also be benefits from other potential resources such as proper nutrition, acupuncture, and massage. Individuals should avoid alcohol and any recreational drugs, as well as limit reading of any medical books or follow websites to misunderstand symptoms and their medications on their own .

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Keep reading and sharing the forthcoming blogs to gain information and awareness about different mental ailments. Till then stay safe and healthy, MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY.

- (KD Blogs)
© Kunal Deshpande.


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